Did you know? Flaixbac Showcase Concerts at Torre Bellesguard

By: Ferran Garcés


The history of Torre Bellesguard often leads us to look back, to the past, but we have also learned to enjoy the present, to squeeze the most out of it, and make it happen in the future.The pandemic forced us to stop. We imagined the future we wanted, and we managed to make it present with the Flaixbac Showcase concert series at the Torre Bellesguard. As we had done a year earlier with the Festival Estrenos, we opted, once again, to establish synergies with other cultural actors in our country, in this case, with the Flaixbac group.The Flaixbac Showcase at Torre Bellesguard were short concerts, in acoustic format, with a very small audience, where the attendees had the chance to be very close to their star bands, having them play and being able to make requests, take photos and ask questions. A very intimate and authentic, experiential way of approaching music and culture.The 2021 season consisted of 5 concerts between March and July. The Covid allowed them to be in person, as they were held outdoors, but the audience had to be seated by bubbles of conviviality, no dancing, no drinking, coming from where we came from, we felt it was a real privilege to attend a concert. We enjoyed Ana Mena in March, Nil Moliner and Buhos in May, Suu in June and Doctor Prats in July as the end of the cycle.The 2022 concerts were held without restrictions, and we could dance and mingle with each other to the rhythm of Itaca Band in March, Los Catarres in April, Doctor Prats, who repeated, in May, Lildami in June, and the final cherry on top with Stayhomas in July.The slogan of the Flaixbac Showcase was “A night to touch the stars,” and we can assure you that each and every one of the concerts was memorable, one more page in the history of Bellesguard, in one of the hardest moments of the last decades.The music was playing again, and we enjoyed our musicians, our people, and our time again, in short, live itself.You can find the summary of all the concerts on our youtube channel.