Did you know? Painting Bellesguard

By: Bellesguard Team

Last Tuesday, November 14th, a group of painters visited Torre Bellesguard. They are “La Colla del Pinzell,” a group of retirees who, as a hobby, have been painting every Tuesday on the streets or in emblematic places of the city for the past 10 years (link to their blog).

It was a pleasure to welcome these artists. They brought the garden and the house to life with their skills with brushes and palettes. We are excited to show you a video with the process of the artistic experience and photos of their works. We love creating these kinds of synergies and spreading the magic of Bellesguard with all of you.

And, to conclude, a watercolor of Gaudí’s viaduct, built at the same time as Torre Bellesguard. The painting was done by Joan Codina, spokesperson for La Colla del Pinzell, about eight or nine years before the aforementioned visit.