antoni gaudi

Saint George, a legend made architecture

By: Ferran Garcés   This Sunday is the Feast of Saint George, the most special of our festivities. The Bellesguard Tower is closely related to the legend of Saint George. The devotion to this legend began to take shape in Catalonia during the time of Martin I the Humane, who lived in the medieval castle […]

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Did you know?: The star of Venus and a secret love…

By: Ferran Garcés We are in the week of Valentine’s Day. Bellesguard has a very appropriate symbol for the occasion. We refer to the stained glass window called “Star of Venus”. In ancient times, because of its luminosity, the planet identified with the Roman goddess of love and beauty, was described as a star. Due […]

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Architecture and Tourism: How and at what age did the architect Antoni Gaudí die?

Antoni Gaudí, born on June 25, 1852 in Reus, is one of our most recognized and international figures. His unique and groundbreaking style has transformed architecture and influenced generations and generations of architects. Barcelona, ​​the capital of Catalonia, was the city where he left the bulk of his work, with buildings as iconic as the Sagrada […]

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Did you know?: The Immaculate Conception at Bellesguard

By: Ferran Garcés   Today we publish the first article in a series of three that we have called “The Triptych of the Bellesguard facade”. A facade that hides different symbols and religious references. Little by little we will be discovering them, as if they were the windows of an Advent calendar. We hope you […]

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Architecture and Tourism: Discover the best examples of Art Nouveau in Barcelona

What is Art Nouveau? Art Nouveau, literally “new art” in French, is an artistic movement with origins that go back to the end of the 19th century, and whose development extended to the beginning of the 20th century, then reaching its peak . The aim of this artistic current was to look for new forms, […]

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A day like today: San Martín’s festivities

By: Ferran Garcés The name of Martin is one of the most important in the history of Bellesguard. It is the  name of the king who built the palace in which, five centuries later, Antonio Gaudí was  inspired to build the current tower. A strange name for a king…   No monarch of France, Portugal, England, […]

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