torre bellesguard

Saint George, a legend made architecture

By: Ferran Garcés   This Sunday is the Feast of Saint George, the most special of our festivities. The Bellesguard Tower is closely related to the legend of Saint George. The devotion to this legend began to take shape in Catalonia during the time of Martin I the Humane, who lived in the medieval castle […]

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A day like today: Music from another era in another landscape

By: Ferran Garcés   The Torre Bellesguard is an ideal place to recreate the past and, at the very least, to feel transported back in time. Perhaps for this reason it has been the setting for different concerts of early classical music, such as the one we want to remember today, which took place in […]

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Did you know? Flaixbac Showcase Concerts at Torre Bellesguard

By: Ferran Garcés   The history of Torre Bellesguard often leads us to look back, to the past, but we have also learned to enjoy the present, to squeeze the most out of it, and make it happen in the future.The pandemic forced us to stop. We imagined the future we wanted, and we managed […]

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Did you know?: Gaudí Nights, the concerts at Antonio Gaudí’s Torre Bellesguard?

By: Ferran GarcésIn previous articles, we have explained how during the first months of the Covid 19 pandemic, Bellesguard got involved with other cultural assets, badly affected by the closure of theatres, cinemas, and concert halls, and created and went ahead with the Festival Premiers Bellesguard. A project based on synergies, in which Bellesguard provided […]

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Did you know?: The star of Venus and a secret love…

By: Ferran Garcés We are in the week of Valentine’s Day. Bellesguard has a very appropriate symbol for the occasion. We refer to the stained glass window called “Star of Venus”. In ancient times, because of its luminosity, the planet identified with the Roman goddess of love and beauty, was described as a star. Due […]

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Did you know?: The Star of the Three Magi

By: Ferran Garcés We reache the last entry of the Triptych of the spiritual facade of Bellesguard, which we started in December, with references to the Immaculate Conception and the Holy Trinity. It is, as we have seen, a façade loaded with symbolism, starting with its height, which, from the highest point of the cross […]

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